Sunday, May 17, 2020

Who Wrote The Bible Review - 1376 Words

Who Wrote the Bible Review For many, the Hebrew bible is read and accepted without question. It plays a significant role in the practice of many religions and yet not many dare to wonder who wrote such sacred writings that would still be read to this very day. For generations, it was almost unheard of to ask or even fathom the identity of the author. Richard Elliot Friedman, a biblical scholar and graduate from Harvard University, explores, studies, and analyzes the bible to discover who wrote it. Having earned a master degree in theology, B.A degree in Philosophy, and master degree in Hebrew literature, Friedman proves to be a knowledgeable expert in his field of studies. From the years of work he invested into, Friedman aims to provide convincing evidence that the book is written by four persons through historical, archaeological, logical proof. Friedman s structure to prove that source J and E were written by different authors was jointed together because they complimented each o ther in their differences. Friedman believes that source J was written by a man in the southern kingdom of Judah between the time of 848 B.C and 722 B.C while the author of source E was written in the northern kingdom of Israel between 922 B.C. and 722 B.C. The narration of the stories and the time period it was written in was used to support this idea. One of the stories he used was the story of the twins. In the story, the younger brother, Jacob, gets his fatherShow MoreRelatedBible Critical Reflection1108 Words   |  5 Pagesa Christian, especially someone who was a Christian from birth, the Bible is something I have been familiarize with very well. I have had multiple editions growing up, I read through it cover to cover once, and I would say that the Bible is something that I am comfortable with. 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